Can anyone evade the second coming of the Lord Jesus? It involves the whole of humanity, The Bible tells us ‘that day will close in on you unexpectedly like a trap’. This does not mean that Christ’s second coming will be completely unannounced. There will be signs before his coming. Do we need to wait until signs appear? No, there is no need to wait. Because of our hard-heartedness, God sends us signs to help us to realise what he is going to do. These signs tell us to prepare with hope.
Whether we realise it or not, preparation is a must. There is a saying that ‘heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.’ How are we going to prepare? Our preparation is by responding to the call of the Lord Jesus, in the spirit. It is not like other preparations we do in our life. They are seasonal. It ends within a period upon achieving an objective or a target.
The Lord Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” We should follow the Lord Jesus daily throughout our lifetime. We may have a lot of selfishness within us. We must deny ourselves by giving inner responses to the Lord Jesus. Instead of our own will, we should accept the will of God in our lives. This preparation is a lifestyle. It is lived in a love relationship with God.
Let us reflect on our preparation. During our lifetime we may have seen many people turning to God. No matter what caused or inspired them, let us accompany them most importantly through prayer and life examples.
Let us not forget the lessons God teaches us. We have sinned and fallen. But we all have second chances. Therefore, let us go before his presence with thanksgiving. Let us seek his forgiveness with humble hearts. Let us ask God to give us the grace to take a firm decision to follow Him.
Prayer: Abba Father, guide and guard us so that we may complete our journey and see you face to face. Amen.