Wednesday March 31
The graces we resist, the chances we miss, the Lord can redeem
  • Isaiah 50: 4-9
  • Ps 69: 8-10, 21-34
  • Matt 26: 14-25

Without condoning what Judas did, some Catholic Scripture scholars say that he might have thought that the Lord Jesus would work a miracle to save himself from the mob sent by the Jewish religious leaders. But the Lord did not work a miracle and allowed himself to be tortured and crucified. When Judas realized what was happening, the Gospels say he went back to the religious leaders and returned the money they had given him. Judas said, “I have betrayed innocent blood”.

Some Catholic Bible scholars say though Judas made restitution for his sin, he hanged himself because he went to the wrong people after the betrayal. When he returned the money they virtually told him to go hang with it and used the money to buy a burial field, because according to Jewish law, such blood money could not be used for any other purpose. If Judas had gone to the Lord Jesus or to another apostle, they would have consoled him and told him that the Lord’s forgiving love and mercy were unconditional.
The lesson for us is that when we commit a grave sin, we need to go to the right people for advice. If we go to hard-liners or hypocrites like the Jewish religious leaders, we might also end up in despair.

Catholic Scripture Scholars also believe that the Lord Jesus’ immortal words from the Cross; “Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” would have applied to Judas as well. After his period of purgation or purification, he may be with the Father whose love is unmerited, unending, unfailing, unlimited and unconditional.

In the first reading Isaiah prophesises what happened to the Lord Jesus hundreds of years before. “I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard. I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.”

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the freedom to forgive and freedom in forgiveness. Amen

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