In the first reading we are reminded of the greatness that God created David’s kingship to be here on earth throughout Jerusalem and around the country. It was God Himself who chose David out of his strong brothers that the prophet thought would fit in as a King in the eyes of this world. But God’s plan was completely different. He saw something in David that no one saw, not even his brothers, his father, his society, nor the appointed Prophet at that time saw this capability in him. We are reminded of His kingship and greatness. He who was chosen was just shepherding around in the country area but made to rule a country on its own. The Gospel reminds us of a similar situation, where the Pharisees fail to recognize the Son of God sent by the Father Himself for our salvation. Their eyes are closed as they’re fixed on the worldly thinking pattern of seeking worldly power and strength. But God’s greatness does not rest on worldly power but He is able to do greater things.
Prayer: Abba Father, we bring ourselves to you with our current thought process and truly believe in Your power and greatness. Amen