Without people to love, the love inside our hearts remain stagnant and fruitless. Without the expression of laughter, our joy remains suppressed and unreleased. Similarly, without the medium of life, our faith remains inactivated, dormant, and sheathed in our belts. Today’s scripture readings lead all followers of Jesus to expect an explosive faith that exudes from every aspect of life. Outside our quiet time with the Lord, outside the walls of the church, outside our charity work, our faith must still be evident. In our conversations, choices, planning, our priority lists, and in our reactions and responses, our faith in the living God must still be broadcasted. This kind of faith-led life leads to a desperation for God in all things, at all times. When we lose our life for Jesus, it points us to a freedom that comes from relinquishing control over our lives and enthroning God as the author of our everyday. We begin needing Him more than any thing and any one else. It is in total dependency that the magnitude of the power of faith is discovered.
Prayer: Abba Father, pour out more faith, so that we may let go of the world and receive You in the full measure. Amen