Is Jesus the light of our lives? Are we open to this light? We are often tempted to wall off parts of our lives from this light – to let it shine on Sunday, closing off the rest of the week from his radiance. Susannah could not be coerced into sin. How far were these, ‘supposed’ men of God, from the light. Their hearts were evil, but God was faithful to the one who witnessed for him. His light shines in the darkest moments of our lives if we but follow him. It was too much for the closed hearts of the Pharisees who were scrupulous observers of the law but no relationship with God and therefore they could not see the light. Jesus was the light which was sent from heaven. “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” “How great was that servant who knew how he was given light, whence it came, and what sort of a man he was when he was favoured by the light. The light he saw was not that which fades at dusk, but the light no eye has seen. Souls brightened by this light do not fall into sin or stumble on vice.” (St John the Serene)
Prayer: Abba Father, may your light shine on us through Jesus, the light sent from heaven. Amen.