In today’s Gospel proclamation the Lord speaks to a legalist (a Pharisee). Externally they seem to be doing things right, following the rubrics of their faith to the letter. For example, they ceremoniously and religiously wash their hands before meals. They are offended when the Lord disregards this obligation. The Lord brings to their mind a reality, stating “Did not he who made the outside make the inside also?” Inside most of the Pharisees however, there was much greed, cheating, forcing exorbitant payment (extortion) for services rendered, evil intent and other forms of wickedness. Jesus slammed them as fools. We need to use our intelligence and reflect interiorly on the attitudes we entertain. God wants us to have the mind of his Son. Many years ago in a Court Case, I was asked to state a lie if I needed to win my case. I refused. Was called foolish. I held on to my principle with great internal struggle but I eventually won the case. Let us live by the principles of the Kingdom and God will be on our side.
Prayer: Abba Father, when sin crouches at the door of my heart may I be on guard lest it destroys me. Amen.