The first reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians says that we are expected to live as children of light and to imitate Christ. This is to live a life of love. In the Gospel proclamation, we see how the Lord Jesus saw a woman who was possessed. She had been in bondage to an evil spirit for eighteen long years. The Lord Jesus released her, enabling her to live a life of love. The Lord Jesus shows the synagogue leader that love is more important than blindly obeying the law. Today we also celebrate the Memorial of St. Anthony Mary Claret, who founded the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary commonly known as the “Clare- tians”. His zealous life and the wonders he wrought, both before and after his death, testified to his sanctity. His prayers to God were so powerful that it is said that even earthquakes were stopped. Today let us ask the Holy Spirit, to pour the love of God into our hearts, for us to live a life of love. May we imitate Saint Anthony Claret.
Prayer: Abba Father, fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we can live a life of love. Amen.