The seed of the Kingdom of God is planted within each believer at Baptism. Our life journey is to allow this seed to grow and mature by surrendering more each day to God. As we remain in the Lord, he remains in us, and as we grow in him, he transforms us from within. In the first reading, we see St. Paul bear witness to this transformation in Onesimus whom he says was formerly useless but is now useful because of his new life in Christ. If we look at the first reading as a whole, it points to a new life in the Lord Jesus, where the inner transformation extends to the outer transformation of relationships. We see the distinction of master and slave being superseded by a relationship of brotherhood in Christ. In our own lives as we remain in the Lord, allowing him to flow in and through us, we too are transformed into the image and likeness of our Master, and as the Kingdom of God blossoms and grows within us, it brings transformation not only to us but if allowed to reach full maturity will transform the world we live in.
Prayer: Abba Father, you are the potter, I am the clay, I surrender myself into your hands. Mold me and make me into the image of your son, Jesus. Amen.