In today’s first reading St. Paul uses the example of Abraham to show that we are justified by faith alone which is a gift from God. St. Paul wrote these words to the Jews of his day who believed that circumcision along with faith was required to be right with God. But, God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 15 was spoken before the rite of circumcision was revealed in Genesis
17. By faith alone Abraham received the promise of a son born to Sarah in their old age (Genesis 21); that is why God counted Abraham’s faith as righteousness. We too will be declared righteous, if we believe in Jesus by accepting him as our Lord and Saviour. Previously, my faith in God was limited to religious rites. But when I came into this journey through a personal crisis, my inner transformation impacted even my family. Having faith in Christ is not just trusting him when things go well. The Gospel proclamation assures us that the seal of faith which is the promised Holy Spirit will defend us in our moments of trial and persecution too.
Prayer: Abba Father, may you be glorified through my inner responses of faith. Amen.