Having received the sacrament of baptism, we are blessed with the favour and privilege of being children of God. However, we are easily led to take this grace for granted and walk in our ways. The first reading illustrates how King Solomon, despite having a deep experience of the God of Israel, turned his heart to idols. Similarly, we tend to run after wealth, glory and worldly power or are led to believe in false teachings, superstition, idol worship or witchcraft seeking fulfilment and security instead of placing our firm trust in the living God who calls us his own. In today’s Gospel proclamation we read about the Syrophoenician woman who is a challenge to us. Her faith in the Lord stood firm. Even though she was put-off the first time for being a Gentile, she was persistent as if she knew the heart of the Lord who showers his mercy to all and desires the salvation of the entire human race. Trusting in his love let us stand firm in our faith for he is the God of the impossible.
PRAYER: Abba Father, increase my faith that I may trust you all my days. Amen.