Are we living the life that God has called us to? I often pray about what God is revealing to me; if I have chosen life or death in following his commandments. In the first reading, as we reflect on our purpose as sons and daughters of God, he is revealing to us if we have chosen life or death. When we are obedient and choose life to walk with God, we are blessed with direct access to his resources and God’s abundance overflows in our lives and onto others. In the responsorial psalm, we have the assurance that God delights in us when we live according to his Word and we will bear much fruit because we are given the hope and promise that we have Abba Father with us. What an amazing assurance that we are never alone but Abba Father is with us each step of our journey. The Gospel proclamation confirms that God is calling us to repent for the Kingdom is close at hand. When we walk with Jesus, we are blessed even when we are persecuted.
PRAYER: Abba Father, let your divine will unfold in our lives. Amen.