As we continue to celebrate the joy of Easter and rejoice in the resurrection of the Lord, today’s Gospel invites us to reflect on our mission. “I have seen the Lord” was the message Mary Magdalene took to the apostles. The core of Christianity is for all to carry this testimony to the ends of the world. This becomes possible only when we encounter the Risen Lord, as Mary Magdalene did near the empty tomb. “When you seek me with all your heart, you will find me” (cf Jeremiah 29:13). He fulfilled this promise to Mary who sought him with all her heart. He not only revealed himself to her but called her by name and entrusted her with a mission. This is what we can expect when we are in prayer. Even though we may be placed in situations where our hopes and dreams are shattered, if we come seeking him as Mary did, he will reveal himself to us through his Word. We will hear his voice. He will embrace us in his love so that we can bear witness saying: “I have seen the Lord”.
PRAYER: Abba Father, give us the grace to seek you with all our hearts, that we may hear your voice. Amen.