Monday 08th July 2024
Faith in the reckless love of God
  • Hosea 2:16-18,21-22
  • Psalm 145:2-9
  • Matthew 9:18-26

God seeks his people as a spouse. He seeks us out in our lowliest moments. We too must love others because he loved us first. Let his love sink deep within us and permeate through us to others. His love sought to heal the sick and still does through us his children born of faith. In today’s Gospel reading we see the strong faith of two people who witnessed miracles. The official trusted that Jesus can bring the dead person back to life. The gracious love of God wanting to heal is manifested when intercepted by a woman who persists to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. They are rewarded for their faith. How admirable is their faith and how deep is the love shown by Jesus to heal the sick and raise the dead. The reckless love of God searches us, heals and comforts us in his kindness. May we be harbingers of this reckless love, fulfilling the mission to which we are called as children of God. Let us emulate his heart of love and be persistent in our faith, which is the key to experiencing miracles.

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