Sunday September 8
We are a chosen and healed generation
  • Isaiah 35:4-7
  • Psalm 146:6-10
  • James 2:1-5
  • Mark 7:31-37

In today’s first reading, the prophet Isaiah speaks of the goodness of God. We have a compassionate Father. No one in this world could ever give promises and fulfil them like God does. Jesus assured us that he will never abandon us. He vindicates us, our sins are washed away and we are made clean.

We may have been ignorant of the presence of God in our lives but God was ever aware of us from the beginning of time. When we were far away from him, engaged in our plans and sinful desires, God was running after us to embrace us with arms open wide.

The Responsorial Psalm continues to describe and praise the nature of God. God’s heart moves towards the fallen, the oppressed and the weak. Many people face discomfort as they lack material things. However some of us who have materials goods may lack virtues such as compassion and we may be slack in loving people. But God’s heart is clearly revealed in the Psalm. God brings justice to every person and looks after those who have become helpless. Our arrogance and pride are shattered when we are challenged by the pure love of God.

The second reading further portrays God’s heart. We cannot be partial in the vineyard of God. The worldly measures are appearances, money, family background and education. There could be people who sincerely love God and are excited to serve the Lord with a burning zeal deep within them but in our circles they may not be recognized due to lack of such worldly measures. To show partiality in God’s flock is an abomination in God’s Kingdom. In God’s Kingdom there cannot be “money talks” principle though this is common in Christian circles. This “money talks” syndrome among us should be stopped. We should love people equally.

In the Gospel proclamation we find the Lord Jesus healing a man with a speech impediment. It is amazing to observe how the Lord Jesus healed this man. The man was taken away from the rest of the crowd. Why? Is it that the Lord Jesus wanted to give him his true identity? The people who accompanied him surely loved him because the scripture says that they begged the Lord Jesus to heal him, but with the impediment his identity was also tarnished. God’s compassion restores us completely. We are a chosen and healed generation.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may I serve you and others with a burning zeal. Amen

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