Saturday September 21
Be compassionate and merciful
  • Ephesians 4:1-7,11-13
  • Psalm 19:2-5
  • Matthew 9:9-13

Today’s Gospel proclamation talks about Jesus’ mission. He came for our salvation. Jesus said “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” The Lord came for all who did not know the way and for all who lived in blindness. Jesus came that sinners may repent and have a new life. He came so that we may repent and change our ways. Like the Pharisees, sometimes we are caught up in religious rituals and sacrifices but our hearts are still hardened. During Lent we fast but our thoughts and actions towards others may not change. That is why the Lord says that he prefers mercy and not sacrifice. Mercy is when we have compassion on others and share God’s love. I have heard the elders in my family judging people as soon as they came home from church. All these remarks were judgements passed on others. It took me a long while to realize that Christ came for all and he welcomes everyone with his open arms. Are we ready to love others with the love of Christ?

PRAYER: Abba Father, help me to have compassion and mercy on my neighbor like you have for me. Amen.

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