Sunday September 29
The adverse consequences of poor choices
  • Numbers 11:25-29
  • Psalm 19:8,10,12-14
  • James 5:1-6
  • Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

What harsh warnings today’s readings draw our attention to. More than ever before, the line that separates what is accepted and not accepted has become invisible. Our world has become so much of the ‘Do what makes you happy’ culture that little or no emphasis is made on the adverse consequences of poor choices. Or it may even be that with the chase for instant gratification, no thought even goes toward the repercussions.

The Scriptures talk of a reward for anyone who gives a mere glass of water to someone in the name of Jesus. God is revealing his heart in this statement. His heart is moved when our hearts display his tenderness; when we are mindful of him, that we do meager tasks in his name. Matthew 6:33 “Seek him first and his kingdom”. This is just one way we can show him, how we continually seek him

It is beautiful how all parts of scripture link every book to draw our awareness to him; draw us to a life of living for him, draw us to a life of living IN him – In him we live and move and have our being -, draw us to a life that anything that is impure, anything that concerns darkness should be cut out, as we cannot have it both ways. A life with Christ involves living in the world but not being of the world: to detach ourselves from worries and attach ourselves to Christ – because he is our comforter and he will never leave or let us down.

Today’s readings are themed around a life of choices. Every decision we make impacts our spirituality or shows the lack of one. We make numerous decisions in a day. Do we pause to wonder if these center on ourselves or the welfare of others? Do they embody the heart of Jesus? Are we fearful of being thrown into hell when our earthly journey is over? Or are we looking forward to eternal life with Christ while making the choices in this world that help us get there?

Let us thank God for sending into our lives people who have ministered to us and brought us the good news of Jesus our Savior. Let us thank him for the seeds he has sowed and watered through the ones he sent. It is God alone who strengthens and increases our faith so that we may live by his Spirit. Let us implore his help to bear fruit. May he send us to others who may need the seed and watering, so he may do in them, what he has done in us. Let us be grateful to the Lord who is watching over us and protecting us. May he help us to return when we stray from his ways.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may you guide every decision we make. Amen.

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