13th October 2024
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Come, find rest in the Living Word
  • Wisdom 7:7-11
  • Psalm 90:12-17
  • Hebrews 4:12-13
  • Mark 10:17-30

Today’s second reading invites us to examine whether we know how precious the word of God is if we read in faith and meditate on it. It makes us come alive, enhances our whole being and actively transforms our lives. Though it was written long years ago it does not age. As a double-edged sword the Word can penetrate to the core of our being.
It could pierce through, dividing our soul and spirit, bone and marrow though it seems inseparable. This living Word helps us to separate the truth from lies, good from bad and light from darkness. God’s word is able to uncover our hidden aspects and make them known to us. Whenever we read the sacred word it speaks to our situation, whatever the circumstance may be and helps us find comfort and rest in him.
No one can hide anything from God, nothing that we do remains a secret from him, to whom we are accountable. Let us be humble and be ready to listen to the Holy Spirit who will open our ears to hear the word and seek his wisdom to understand clearly what it says to us. John 1:14 says “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”, are we ready to accept Jesus the son of God who became human to live among us and reveal the glory of God?
In the Gospel reading Jesus answers a question about how hard it is for those who are tied down to their earthly possessions, wealth and comforts to enter the kingdom of God. The rich young man is eager to inherit eternal life. He ran to Jesus, knelt before him and greeted Jesus as “good teacher” which indicates that he has been listening to Jesus’ teachings. It appears that this young man wants to move beyond just listening to Jesus’ preaching and to have it for all of eternity.
Though we keep the commandments, if we are to inherit eternal life we need to let go of everything that we hold onto, share it with the people who are in need and get out of our comfort zones which may sound difficult to do and sometime may seem impossible. This is to trust God completely, Jesus confirms that “with man this is impossible, but not with God: all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27). By giving away earthly treasures Jesus guarantees that we will find heavenly treasures beyond our imagination. This is the love that God wants us to experience with one another. This is the love for which we were created.

PRAYER: Abba Father, empower me to live according to your word and inherit eternal life. Amen.

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