Family is the basic unit of society and is the domestic church. If the family is not built on a firm foundation centered on Christ it is bound to show cracks. When the foundation is not solid what we see is broken marriages, children brought up without love, leading to increased violence in society, mentally imbalanced, immoral people and elderly parents left alone with little love or care.
In today’s first reading the Lord is instructing how children should honor their father and mother. As adults we need to instruct children of what the Lord is teaching us. Children would have no idea unless they are taught. Leading by example is the most important thing to show children the correct path. The 4th commandment says ‘Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.’ This is the only commandment that comes with a promise.
The Gospel relates the story of how Jesus’ parents were obedient to the law, and how Jesus was obedient to his parents. The Holy Family is the model for all Christian families. “The Gospel reminds us that children are not the property of a family but have their own lives to lead. Children’s life decisions and their Christian vocation may demand a parting for the sake of the kingdom of God” (cf. Pope Francis – Amoris Laetitia, no.18).
The second reading reminds married couples that their lives should be shared in love. The purpose of marriage is to see that your spouse reaches eternal life. If one abandons the spouse how can this responsibility be achieved? St. Paul reminds couples of the importance of forgiving each other and living in the peace of Christ.
The Holy Family of Nazareth had their own share of burdens and even nightmares as when they met with Herod’s implacable violence. Mary’s heart treasured them all. St.Joseph was connected to God hearing his voice as he guided the family to safety.
We too are called to allow the word of Christ to dwell in our hearts. Listening to God’s voice and allowing God to fill us with his love will guide our families. God has empowered us to live beyond our natural ability and strength, by giving us the gift of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. Today let us decide to allow God to accomplish his purpose in our families.
“The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church.”
PRAYER: Abba Father, I want to seek the truth so I can battle the lies that come my way. I want to know you more. Amen.