Monday 13th January 2025
Calling beyond all Callings
  • Hebrews 1: 1-6
  • Psalm 97: 1-2, 6-7, 9
  • Mark 1:14-20

Imagine being Nicodemus and secretly meeting Jesus at night. Imagine being the woman at the well and having the Saviour ask you for a drink. Imagine being at the Last Supper and having the Messiah wash your feet. The idea of engaging in a one-on-one conversation with Jesus is certainly thought-provoking. What would it be like to speak with him face-to-face, heart-to-heart? How would it change us? What would we be willing to give to hear Jesus say, “Come, follow me”? At the inception of my relationship with Jesus, the ‘Word’ became my friend. The Scripture revealed God’s plans for me, acted as a compass for everyday decisions, marked out how to have relationships and taught me how to worship, pray, believe and hope. The ‘Word’ was my light, truth and trusted companion. No matter how much our situations or circumstances may change, he constantly invites us to a deeper relationship and will speak to our current state.

PRAYER: Abba Father, give us a spirit that is attuned to hear your voice. Amen.

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