Saturday 25th January 2025
Divine Mandate
  • Acts 9:1-22
  • Psalm 117:1-2
  • Mark 16:15-18

St. Paul, who was a persecutor of Christians, recounts his dramatic encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus. This divine intervention transforms Paul from an adversary of the faith into one of its most ardent advocates. God’s grace radically changed a person’s life and mission. Paul’s blindness and subsequent healing symbolize his spiritual rebirth and newfound clarity in understanding his divine calling. In the Gospel reading, Jesus commissions his disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” This mandate, paired with the promise of accompanying signs and miracles, shows the transformative power of the gospel message. The disciples are equipped with divine authority to heal and protect, mirroring the transformative encounter Paul experienced. Paul’s conversion and the Great Commission both illustrate how an encounter with Jesus not only transforms individual lives but also empowers them to spread the transformative message of the gospel.

PRAYER: Abba Father, transform our hearts and empower our mission. Amen.

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