Friday 14th February 2025
Temptation leads to sin. Faith leads to miracles
  • Genesis 3: 1-8
  • Psalm 32: 1-2, 5-7
  • Mark 7: 31- 37

In today’s first reading we read the story of the serpent tempting the woman. Sin can be attractive and we may fall into it. The evil one will try to bring division and distraction in to our relationship with the Lord. We need to be vigilant that we do not get caught by his crafty tactics. Building a strong prayer life is the armour against the powers of darkness. As God’s children, we have power and authority to resist satan. Our identity in Christ is our power tool to walk under open heavens. In the Gospel reading, when people brought the deaf man to Jesus, they begged him to heal the man. Since they would have witnessed many healings, they pressed on for another miracle. Our Lord did heal the man, through a prophetic act. Jesus’ every action is teaching us as believers to act by faith so that his power can flow through us. Let our faith not be shaken. We need to press on and in his faithfulness, he will manifest himself in a powerful way

PRAYER: Abba Father, we desire more of your power working through us for your greater glory Amen.

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