Thursday 27th February 2025
Be Mindful
  • Sirach 5:1-8
  • Psalm 1:1-4, 6
  • Mark 9:41-50

Social media often dominates our lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviours and interactions. Influencers can mislead followers by promoting products or lifestyles without transparency, creating unrealistic expectations, and spreading misinformation. This can lead to poor decisions, like pursuing unhealthy body images or adopting harmful behaviours, and raises concerns about influencers’ honesty, essential for a positive online environment. St. Thomas Aquinas, explored the moral life, discussing the gravity of sin and the importance of leading a virtuous life. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus highlights the value of even small acts done in his name and warns against causing others to stumble. He advises removing anything that leads to sin, even if it requires significant sacrifice. When we face temptations and moral challenges, are we willing to safeguard our spiritual integrity? Are we mindful of how our actions influence others? Are we ready to eliminate deeply rooted causes of sin?

PRAYER: Abba Father, grant us the strength and wisdom to remove whatever leads us away from you and to guide others towards your love. Amen.

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