Today’s readings call us to have deep and meaningful relationships, be it in friendships or marriage. Let us focus on the themes of commitment, loyalty and mutual respect. We are called to reflect God’s love through our loyalty and dedication. These teachings challenge us to examine our relationships, encouraging us to be faithful in our commitments. Sirach 6:5-17 explains the nature of true friendship. It is important to choose friends wisely. A true friend stands by us in times of adversity and rejoices with us in times of joy. Jesus addresses the pharisees’ question about divorce. His response highlights the sanctity and permanence of marriage as God intended from the beginning. Je- sus reminds us that marriage is more than a social contract; it is a sacred covenant. Today, the permanence of marriage is often questioned. We are required to uphold our vows, support those who are married, respect the commitments we made and approach relationships with reverence and dedication.
PRAYER: Abba Father, grant us the grace to be true and faithful in our relationships. Amen.