Today’s first reading focuses on Elijah’s remarkable deeds and how Elisha continued Elijah’s legacy. It also subtly hints at the Messiah’s coming bringing peace, reconciliation and a new family that embraces all peoples. David praises God for pardon of sin, acknowledging God’s goodness and grace, his abounding love and mercy for the righteous, his healing power and compassion. David calls for everything in creation to praise God. The Gospel reading urges us to love. Jesus loved the little children for who they were with simple unquestioning faith, having a trusting view of life, and taking pleasure in the smallest things. Jesus intervened when the children were chased away. Children are noisy, energetic, and full of life. Jesus gave them two precious things: time and affection. Children are curious and they are likely to ask many things. Those in spiritual poverty are the ones who presume that they deserve or can achieve heaven. Let us be humble and simple.
PRAYER: Abba Father, like a child, may I trust, ask and simply enjoy being with you. Amen.