We could choose God by loving him which means making him the centre of our lives. What place does God have in our lives? Does God have priority over our marriages, lives, career, recreation and possessions? How is our obedience to God? Do we set aside our own desires to do what God commands? Do we obey God with our time, possessions, minds, body, talents? The Israelites were to be loyal to God by holding on to him. They were to choose God and never let him go. Let us look at our lives – are we allowing ourselves to backslide or are we remaining loyal to the Lord? The Psalmist gives us a map of the future as a choice between two different paths of characters of people who walk on them. On one path the wicked and on the other path are the righteous. What will be the ultimate destination of the path we are walking on? Jesus invites us to take up our cross and follow him. To bear it means to say no to our sinful desires, temptations, and to say ‘Yes’ to Jesus.
PRAYER: Abba Father, we pray for wisdom to choose life in you. Amen.