Saturday 08th March 2025
From being ‘with’ Christ to ‘in’ Christ
  • Isaiah 58: 9-14
  • Psalm 86: 1-6
  • Luke 5: 27-32

It is important to fast, pray, give alms and be involved in kind and religious acts. We also need to keep the Lord’s day holy, and confess our sins. Many of us maybe doing these already. However, are the readings suggesting something more? Is it that the Lord Jesus invites us to a relationship with him? When we start a personal relationship with him what would make a difference from the first way of following him? The difference is that the relationship between the Lord Jesus and me makes me one with him. No longer am I ‘with’ the Lord Jesus but ‘in’ him. Let us make this Lent an opportunity to build our personal relationship with him by offering ourselves as we are and be washed in his Precious Blood. When we surrender our lives to the Lord Jesus, he will empower us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us strive to shift from a mere ritualistic relationship to a love relationship with the Triune God. In him we will find what our hearts seek.

PRAYER: Abba Father, let me accept my true identity as your child and be loved by you. Amen.

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