Today’s Gospel reading is a warning to us. Most of us may be thinking, fulfilling of external religious obligations brings us into God’s Kingdom. Far from it. Today’s call to righteousness however does it. True righteousness is about having the mind and attitude of God in any given situation. I am challenged to not have anger towards certain people who have let me down or cheated on me. The Lord calls us to be righteous like him. So let us come as we are, and allow the Lord’s righteousness to make us perfect as he is. We may be well known as outstanding church goers, involved in several ministries, giving generously to parish activities. But what’s the right attitude I need to have towards those in my life? How is my daily life with those in my family, community or society? An inner challenging attitude to say ‘please’, ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’ for my behavior. They may be the hardest but probably the easiest when the Lord’s help is sought
PRAYER: Abba Father, may I be made righteous and holy as you are. Amen.