Friday September 6
A new wine skin
  • 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
  • Psalm 37:3-6,27-28,39-40
  • Luke 5:33-39

Have you ever had a remarkable revelation in prayer or in a sermon? One that makes you think wow? I have had many over the years but when I think back only a few have transformed me. They are the ones that I took into prayer and asked God’s grace to apply in my life. Jesus said that new wine must be poured into new wine skins, it cannot be poured into old skins. While it was directed at pharisees who were not willing to be renewed it is deeply true to us today. When we receive a revelation or a word of knowledge that moves us deeply, we need to break out of our old ways of thinking, habits and understanding and be renewed by the Spirit: “we must be born again”(Jn 3:7). We need a spiritual rebirth to be transformed. When we do not do this the revelation becomes a nice idea or we might say it is for others or at times disregard it. God’s word is alive, true and active. Do we think “I know this scripture by heart” and dismiss his leadings? Can we listen in humility and expectation?

PRAYER: Abba Father, I want to be your vessel that is broken and remoulded. Give me the grace to be patient, humble and courageous. Amen

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