Amos was a prophet of social justice and Hosea was a prophet of God’s love. God calls prophets to speak the word the people most need to hear in the circumstances of their time. Different times require different messages, not contradictory but complementary. We could say that Isaiah is the prophet of the majesty of God. He describes the moment of his call in the sanctuary of the temple which was suddenly filled with the glory of God. Overwhelmed, Isaiah became aware of his wretchedness but also of the glory of God that was so much greater. With confidence in the greatness of God he accepts the invitation to be God’s messenger. Thrice the Lord tells us in the Gospel: “Do not be afraid”. Jesus is repeating himself because of the pain, difficulty and hostility his followers will experience as they endure persecution. Jesus loves us, he is faithful and we should remain loyal and committed in spite of rejection. God has already empowered us with his grace.
PRAYER: Abba Father, reveal your glory to us so that we will have the courage to be your messengers and not be cowed by those who reject us. Amen.