Thursday 15th August 2024
Be with us Mary along the way
  • Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6,10
  • Psalm 45:10-12,16
  • 1 Corinthians 15:20-27
  • Luke 1:39-56

Mother Mary was chosen by God for a unique role, to be the Ark of the Covenant: to bear Christ. Everyone has a role in the salvific plan of God, but no one else was called to be God’s mother. That role was given only to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The word given to her was the fulfillment of the promise of God’s salvation to humanity. Through her ‘yes’ to God’s messenger, she had to die to herself. Her plans for the future were surrendered into the hands of God. In our weakness and brokenness, the Holy Spirit comes to our aid. The Holy Spirit fulfills God’s will for our lives. The power of the Most High begins to overshadow us and the impossible becomes possible in us and around us. When the Blessed Mother visited Elizabeth, she did not wait in her comfort zone, but became an evangelist and a carrier of the presence of God. Wherever we are placed today, God has a plan to use us as messengers of his saving love, mercy and grace.

PRAYER: Abba Father, help us to become worthy hosts of your presence. Amen.

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