Sunday 18th August 2024
Come and receive life in all its fullness
  • Proverbs 9:1-6
  • Psalm 34:2-7
  • Ephesians 5:15-20
  • John 6:51-58

Today’s first reading is showing and teaching us the contrast between wisdom and foolishness, comparing them to two women who are inviting people to their respective houses.

The woman who symbolizes wisdom sends her servants to the central square to call out to the people with what she is offering in her invitation. She is offering nourishment, good advice and understanding. The 7 pillars that she has built her house upon are – the fear of the Lord (reverence and obedience to the Lord), correct instruction, knowledge, understanding, discretion (avoid causing offence), good counsel (good advice) and reproof (correction).

Psalm 34 encourages us to make it a habit to thank and praise God for who he is and for all his goodness in our lives. It reminds and assures us of God’s faithfulness to us. The strong and wealthy can go hungry and grow weak but those who faithfully follow God will not lack anything good.

People can attain the highest earthly achievements, but if they do not have God in their lives they will still end up empty. We must remember the fundamental importance of giving honour and reverence to God simply because he is God and our creator.

Anyone who wishes to have a happy and long life should keep away from speaking evil and telling lies. Always choose good over evil and strive for peace.

The Lord watches over those who sincerely honour him in their lives. God listens to our prayers and nothing is hidden from him. God sees all our circumstances and provides for us in all our needs.

Jesus Christ is the true bread from heaven. He is the living bread that gives us life. Life to our soul and to our body. In the Holy Eucharist we take Christ’s body and blood into our mouths, into our stomachs, into our bodies. It is absorbed into us and becomes part of our flesh and blood that flows through our arteries and veins. It is our source of life. So Christ remains in us and we remain in Christ. Jesus draws us closer to himself and thereby he moves us closer to the very life of God.

In receiving the Holy Eucharist we receive eternal life from Jesus. The more we receive the Holy Eucharist the more we have the opportunity and chance of aligning our values and lives to the life giving power of Jesus.

PRAYER: Abba Father, we yearn for your providence. Amen.

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