The book of Genesis begins by saying “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. The author intended to say that the world has its origins in God. When we know where we came from, we can understand our purpose and place in this world as well as our future destination. It starts with God, who created all things very good. That is the basis that will help us to answer questions such as – What is our place in this world? How should we view the environment? How can we know God better through his creation? How can we use our gifts for his glory? Two important things happened between creation and the present time. The first of these is sin entered the world and altered God’s creation. The second is that Jesus entered the world to rescue us from the debilitating effects of sin by proclaiming the Gospel, healing, delivering people and giving up his life. May we recognise his presence among us and bear witness to his healing power.
PRAYER: Abba Father, we pray that your divine plan and mission will be fulfilled in our lives. Amen.