Wednesday 29th January 2025
Desiring God’s Word
  • Isaiah 2:1-5
  • Psalm 110:1-4
  • Mark 4:1-20

In Mark’s Gospel we read about the sower of the seed. The man represents God and the seed is his message. Just as a planted seed starts to grow, the word of God starts to deepen and grow within a person. This is a parable about the preaching of the Word of God. The seed represents God’s Holy Word, which is sown or preached. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear, but the devil comes like the birds of the air and takes that Word out of their hearts, lest they believe and be saved. Is God’s Word important to us? Do we seek to do his will from the depths of our hearts? Recently, I read an article that said: there are four categories of hearer’s hearts: the hard heart; the shallow heart; the crowded heart and the fruitful heart. What sort of hearts do we have? Which seed is in our hearts? Perhaps this parable of the sower teaches us that nothing is constant in our life, except change. God is in control. No good thing or bad thing lasts forever.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may your Word take root within us. Amen.

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