Today’s readings are a reminder of the gifts and graces God has given us. As mentioned in today’s Gospel proclamation, God the Father has entrusted us with a mission, a Kingdom dream of the Father; from the beginning of time. And to fulfil this mission, he has blessed us with gifts and fellowship with our brothers and sisters. None of these gifts is for our glory, but his alone. But we cannot complete our mission by ourselves no matter how gifted or talented we are. As said in the first reading, we need others. We are called to work in unison with each other, to fulfil the dream of God the Father. When we neglect our task, we become like the man who was given one talent, yet did nothing about it. In the silence of our hearts let us ask God the Father: what is the Kingdom dream he has placed in our hearts and how he wants us to fulfil it. Allow his still small voice to lead us. We cannot fulfil his dream by ourselves, we need his grace and the support of the community.
Prayer: Abba Father, speak to my heart and lead me in your ways. Amen.