Today’s readings speak of the love of God as a shepherd’s love; a love that is personal, that seeks out the lost, heals the abandoned, strengthens the weak and upholds the humble. While we were still sinners He died for our sins and gave us the potential to be changed into his likeness. As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we see here that the image of the Sacred Heart is intimately linked with the image of the Good Shepherd. In the first reading, God speaks to Ezekiel of how He Himself will tend the sheep of His flock: how He will ‘gather them from foreign lands” and “lead them out from among the peoples”. The Gospel proclamation extends this theme. It is the story of the lost sheep: but above all, it is the story of the Shepherd, who leaves the ninety-nine in search of the one. We are lost sheep: as individuals, as communities and as families. God seeks to reconcile us to Himself and loves us so much that He sends Jesus, the Good Shepherd, in search of us and brings us back to eternal pastures.
Prayer: Abba Father, we know and believe that there is no pit so deep that your love can’t reach us still. We cling in prayer to your faithfulness. Amen.