Saturday September 28
God is always there with us
  • Ecclesiastes 11:9--12:8
  • Psalm 90:3-6,12-14,17
  • Luke 9:43-45

The first reading speaks about the human ageing process, something that is familiar to us. Children are usually full of the joy of life, appreciating with wonder so much of the world around them. With maturity come opportunities and choices that may lead us to yearn for the past when life seemed more carefree. It is good to remember that at every age, God has been there with us, even “when to go uphill was an ordeal and a walk was something to dread”. Such memories help us face the future more joyfully. Living fully in the present moment, doing what we can and enjoying the time we have become viable options. Let us seize the day and make every moment count. The Lord tells the disciples the Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands. Perhaps that reality is true for us today too. Are we ready to experience suffering when it comes our way? Everything requires preparation, are we prepared to drink the cup of suffering when it comes our way?

PRAYER: Abba Father, we pray for divine wisdom as we walk this journey through struggles and battles.Amen.

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