Saturday May 29
How to acquire Wisdom

The reading from the Book of Sirach is a lesson is gaing wisdom. Like Solomon we must value Wisdom above worldy wealth and allurements.

The writer of the Book of Sirach gives praise and blesses God’s name. Often people have such a problem with Praise and Worship. But the ability to praise is actually an indication of
the degree of inner freedom we possess. When we are internally bound we cannot express ourselves freely, thanking God for His love and mercy. People pin it on their style of prayer and other excuses but an unfettered soul is one of boundless praise and joy. After all, the praise is to God and not to people around. The writer narrates than in his/her youth he/she openly sought wisdom in prayer. We can seek wisdom from Google, people, elders but there is difference in seeking wisdom in prayer. We are elevated to the spiritual realm where thoughts, emotions, prayer become transparent and visible to people on the same frequency as God. The first result was that the person seeking wisdom received a delightful or delighted heart and the person’s behaviour began to move towards an obedi- ent path. Wisdom led to repentance and prayer. Then the person began listening to the wisdom given to him/her.

We may be given wisdom but when faced with world circumstances we not consider the wisdom foolish or we may do as this Heavenly Wisdom dictates. A certain person was supposed to attend court hearings but on one occasion missed attendance due to an urgent trip. The police officer concerned asked the person for a bribe to cover up the person’s mistake. The person began seeking the Lord’s wisdom and decided that he would not bribe the officer. The officer was furious. Many people told the person in trouble to give in to the bribe after all it would save him a lot of trouble. On the next hearing the furious police officer complained to the court that the person had not reported to him as required. The judge looked at the records and said that since the person had all along reported and just missed once… he would not need to report in future at all since it was unnecessary. Our Lord Jesus carried this same wisdom in his dealings with the elders of the law when he responded to their questions with a fitting answer.
Prayer: Abba Father, I seek the wisdom from Heaven to live my life. Amen

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