In today’s first reading, the imagery of harvest is potent, symbolizing divine judgment. It shows Jesus as both Savior and Judge. It reminds us of the importance of readiness and faithfulness. It’s a call to remain steadfast in our devotion to God. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus foretells the destruction of the temple and warns of impending calamities. He cautions against being led astray by false prophets and assures his followers that despite tribulations, they should stand firm in their faith. It prompts us to place our trust not in temporal structures but in the eternal promises of God. These readings offer a sobering reminder of the inevitability of divine judgment and the importance of spiritual preparedness. They urge us to remain vigilant, discerning and anchored in faith amid the uncertainties of life. Reflecting on them compels us to evaluate our priorities, ensuring that we prioritize our relationship with God above all else.
PRAYER: Abba Father, despite the trials we may face, may your purposes prevail. Amen.