Wednesday September 25
Jesus Christ is the embodiment of truth
  • Proverbs 30:5-9
  • Psalm 119:29,72,89,101,104,163
  • Luke 9:1-6

What is truth? This poignant question asked by Pontius Pilate is so relevant in our postmodern culture that denies that truth can even be known. In a world where people have their own subjective reality today’s first reading and responsorial psalm show us the error of this belief. Truth does not mean only facts, it refers to the deep resonance we feel in our hearts when we encounter something pure, beautiful and authentic. The word of God brings us into the presence of this truth; it points us to Jesus: the embodiment of truth. In today’s Gospel proclamation we see Jesus send out the apostles to heal the sick and proclaim the good news that the kingdom of God is at hand. They are required to proclaim this truth with their words and through their actions. We too have been given the same power and authority through our baptism, and we too are being sent to our spheres of influence: to boldly proclaim the truth that his kingdom is at hand.

PRAYER: Abba Father, in a world desperate for truth, help me to be a bearer of truth through my words and actions. Amen.

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