The Gospel reading of Jesus in the wilderness, has fascinated me: the devil daring to even approach Jesus and Jesus’ bold proclamations and unwavering stance in the face of temptations. Can we endure temptations with our limited capacity? What assurance do we have in our battle against evil? Today’s readings give us the foothold to stand on as we journey through wilderness in our lives. In the first reading, Moses invites the people to recall the wonders God has done through the journey to the promised land. In our lives too, the hand of God held us, the presence of God accompanied us, the love of God nourished us and the power of God made us victorious. What is the desert we are trapped in? It may be a sickness, a financial crisis, an addiction, a relationship problem or a loss of a loved one. No matter the circumstances, let us choose to profess that Jesus is Lord and believe in his glorious resurrection, and in doing so embrace the salvation that comes with this faith.
PRAYER: Abba Father, may we look to you with confidence for you lead us through the barren lands into a land flowing with milk and honey. Amen.