Let us reach our destination together

Today’s readings invite us to follow the Lord with a sincere heart; a heart that worships him. We need to have a spirit of humility and adore him because he is God. Recitation of prayers, novenas, devotions, offerings and sacrifices are meant to lead us to worship God but has little value if it is not done with a sincere heart which is willing to obey his word and do his will. The word of God is the sword that the Gospel speaks of today. Those who listen to his words and obey them are set apart from their sinfulness and the world that is enslaved to sin. This is the conflict that is illustrated in the Gospel. We are called to acknowledge Jesus as the Lord of our lives and give him the first place over everything and everyone else. Obeying the word of God and doing his will may contradict the ways of the world. Therefore it may not always be an easy task but he assures us of his grace. Until we get there, we are invited to encourage and help each other to reach this destination together.

PRAYER: Abba Father, give me the strength to remain faithful to you all the days of my life. Amen.

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