Sunday 02nd March 2025
Lord, empower me to love others
  • Sirach 27: 4-7
  • Psalm 92: 2-3, 13-16
  • 1 Corinthians 15: 54-58
  • Luke 6: 39-45

Good and evil are part of the world and part of our lives. Freedom of choice either to be or do good or evil is a gift we have received from God. God gave the gift of freedom to human beings. Our Baptism has made us children of God and we are called and chosen to cultivate God’s quality in us because we are his children. We carry our parents’ qualities in us, likewise when we are children of God we are called to carry God’s quality in us. The moments of falling and failing in life could be immense, but the good news for us is that we could rise up and dust off the weaknesses and move forward victoriously. The Cross brought forth this victory to us. We are no more victims of our weaknesses. We are victorious children of God. The Gospel reading explains that we are God’s flock. We are to confess our sins and help others rather than go into conflicts because of our weaknesses. Let us produce fruits of the Spirit by yielding to God and ask Jesus to remove the log in our eyes to have clear vision.

PRAYER: Abba Father, I am your child. Help me to love others. Amen.

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