Today’s readings emphasize holiness, honesty, integrity, justice, and love. The call to holiness is not just a call for us to keep away from sin but to live a life that reflects God’s nature in what we do and say. Our actions, interactions and relationships should manifest the righteousness of God. We should love, forgive, and live peacefully, reflecting God’s forgiving and loving nature. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to empower us to live these principles. In the Gospel reading Jesus makes it clear that the compassionate heart will be rewarded during the final judgment. When we serve those who are in need, we are serving him. These acts of kindness are not mere social duties but sacred responsibilities in God’s eyes. The separation of the sheep and the goats explains that God’s judgment will take into consideration how we have lived our faith. The sheep have demonstrated their faith through acts of kindness and mercy, while the goats have neglected these opportunities.
PRAYER: Abba Father, open our eyes to see those who are in need and see you in them, give us the boldness to act in compassion and love. Amen.