Today’s readings are giving us a set of instructions, that we should follow in order to make a course correction for our life, during this season of Lent. It is a call to repentance and to have a heart for the poor and the downtrod- den. Our walk through life is twofold: we need to put our lives right, and reach out to others. Both of these together would ‘wash us clean and make us white as snow’. In the Gospel Proclamation the words that echo are, ‘practice what you preach’. Today’s readings are saying just that. We are called to follow our Master and do as he does, to obey and follow in word and in action. However, we need the grace of God to walk in His ways, to be filled with His Spirit and reach out to the lost. Without God this life is incomplete.
“Fidelity to God means willingness to serve. The more we serve, the more we are aware of God’s presence. We, in turn, discover God’s love and embrace.” – Pope Francis
Prayer: Abba Father, renew my spirit and give me the grace to walk in your ways. Amen.