St. Paul illustrates to us, that as baptized Christians we form the body of Christ. Together we are able to share in the gifts of the Lord as we endeavour to share them in one spirit. St Paul emphasizes that every part of this body plays a vital role: the importance of unity in diversity within the church. It might be the weakest parts of the body that are essential for the body’s proper functioning. This analogy extends to the church, where various groups or individuals contribute distinct talents and gifts. Some are called to be teachers, while others are graced with gifts for healing, prophecy, speaking in tongues, administration, leadership. These gifts ensure that the church meets the diverse needs of the faithful. Let us seek more of God’s grace to work together in building up and strengthening relationships between people and communities. It is the Holy Spirit that could drive out darkness and bring light to those we encounter: the lost and the forgotten.
PRAYER: Abba Father, help us to be open to your mighty move and your gentle touch that we may be conduits that bring heaven down to earth. Amen.