Today’s 1st reading is a prophecy of what is yet to come; the Lord’s goodness to His creation, which would bring together every nation under one banner. In the Gospel proclamation we see the Lord Jesus speaking about what is yet to come, His death. However, none of the disciples were able to understand the plans of God. This is how the human mind was able to comprehend it. Nonetheless, God was orchestrating a beautiful picture behind the scenes and that was the Resurrection of His Son, which would be the glory of Jerusalem that spread into the whole world. In the same way in our lives, we try to understand our lives circumstances through our perspectives and our past experiences, which would bring about hopelessness and despair. Today’s readings are teaching us of another perspective, that is much better – God’s perspective. This perspective shows us that behind every situation, God has a beautiful purpose, far greater than what our minds can comprehend.
Prayer: Abba Father, give us the grace today to see our lives through Your perspective. Amen!