Today’s readings remind us of the times we live in and give hope for the times to come. Similar to St. Paul’s experience attempting to reason with the Jews and the Greeks in Corinth, the people in today’s world seldom listen to Jesus. As Jesus foretold his disciples, “you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” We are in the phase before we see Jesus again. This phase is where the world is rejoicing in its earthly pleasures. The phase where Christians are not accepted for their beliefs because selfcentred people believe more in themselves over having a relationship with God. This phase is where we must be like St. Paul. We must continue believing and deepening our relationship with God so that we may share the Good News of Jesus among our neighbors. Our sorrow will turn into joy once we see the Lord again in a little while and the earth itself will rejoice because all will truly know that our Lord reigns.
Prayer: Abba Father, let your holy fire be enkindled and cloak our hearts so that we know what you dream about us. Amen.