Wednesday 12th March 2025
Power of Repentance
  • Jonah 3:1-10
  • Psalm 51:3-4,12-13,18-19
  • Luke 11:29-32

Today’s readings remind us of the power of repentance and the importance of listening to God’s call. In Jonah, we witness the profound transformation of the people of Nineveh, who respond to Jonah’s message with repentance, turning from their evil ways. God, in his boundless mercy, forgives them and withholds the destruction he had planned. The Ninevites’ response challenges us to reflect on our lives. Are there areas where we need to turn back to God? Do we trust in his mercy? In the Gospel reading, Jesus references Jonah’s experience, showing the importance of recognizing and responding to the divine presence in our midst. Jesus criticizes those seeking more signs. Let us examine our faith: Are we waiting for extraordinary signs to believe and change, or are we attentive to the ways God is already speaking to us? Let us heed these scriptures by repenting, seeking God’s mercy, and recognizing his presence in our daily lives. Let us not delay in turning our hearts fully to him.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may I listen attentively to your voice. Amen.

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