Today we enter into a period of reconciliation and purification. We are reminded of our loving God who sent his only begotten Son to set us free from slavery to sin. We accept our sinful nature, with heartfelt sorrow, repenting for our shortcomings. We long to be pardoned by our merciful Father. As our Lord said, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”. We depend on his mercy as we ask for his grace and pardon. The Lord’s mercy is unending and unconditional; thus we could approach his throne of grace giving the truth of our hearts. God embraces the sinner, and does not push us away in our struggles. His love has paved the way for his children to return to holiness. The church can be likened to a hospital for people who are spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally ailing. During this season of Lent, we take extra care and concern about our spiritual wellbeing. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to send forth that balm of Gilead to soothe and heal us.
PRAYER: Abba Father, help us to have a meaningful time of Lent as we wholeheartedly return to you. Amen.