Thursday 04th July 2024
Send me, O Lord
  • Amos 7:10-17
  • Psalm 19:8-11
  • Matthew 9:1-8

The scriptures tell us that God sought people to reveal himself. He uses his creation to reveal his plans for the common good. God always pursued us to make his plan a reality on earth. Some people obeyed while others ignored the calling. He chose Amos, to deliver his message to the Israelites who were trying to live without God. Amidst the challenges that Amos had to go through, he fulfilled his calling. He declares he was only conveying a message to the Israelites. In the Gospel proclamation, the people who brought the paralytic to Jesus realized that he needed Jesus to receive complete healing. Jesus saw the paralytic needed more than a physical healing. Jesus, amidst the low-mindedness of his onlookers, provides both physical and inner healing. How will one hear God’s voice to deliver his message of love? Will we ever realise that God is all we need in our broken world? God is looking for a person to carry out his mission in our world. He is waiting for our response.

PRAYER: Abba Father, here I am opening my heart to you. Send me to share the Good News. Amen.

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